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12/11/21: biographical details of R T Ward and M Venton added to "Crew".

13/11/21: further biographical information of R T Ward added to "Crew".

14/11/21: more information about R T Ward added to "Crew". New section added under "The Present" called "Research and Visits".

15/11/21:  positions of "A Beginning" and "In Memoriam" pages swapped.  Title of "A Beginning" changed to "Life on the Squadron", minor changes made in this section.  Additional information shown in "Research and Visits" section.

16/11/21:  biographical story of R T Ward continued in "Crew".  More information added to "Research and Visits" in "The Present".

17/11/21: biographical information added for H Callaghan in "Crew".

18/11/21:  training content moved for RT Ward  from "Crew" to "Training".

19/11/21:  training details for H Callaghan moved from "Crew" to "Training" and extra information added.

20/11/21:  further information added to H Callaghan in "Training".

21/11/21:  New Section "OTU/HCU" added to menu.

22/11/21: further information added to H Callaghan in "Training".  Section on M Venton commenced in "Crew".

23/11/21:  further biographical information added for M Venton in "Crew".

24/11/21:  further biographical details added for M Venton in "Crew".

26/11/21:   brief biographical details added for T Drennan in "Crew".

04/12/21:  initial information added to Gunners' training in "Trade Training" section

05/12/21:  detailed information added to "3 March" section

09/12/21:  information on the route to and attack on the Dortmund Ems canal shown in "3 March" section.

11/12/21:  further information added to "3 March" section.

13/12/21:  further information added to "3 March" section.

08/01/22:  further information added to "3 March - Aftermath" section.

09/01/22:  further information added to "3 March - Aftermath" section.

10/01/22:  details of flak defences added to "Defences" section.

11/01/22:  new sub-section created to "3 March" section called "100 Group"

13/01/22:  details added  to "3 March" about raid development.

14/01/22:  details added  "100 Group" sub-section and schematic drawn of airfield positions relative to target and bomber stream.

17/01/22:  details added to "Aftermath".  Some sections and sub-sections re-organised.  Photos added to "Lanc" section.

18/01/22:  details added to "Nachtjagd" section and further pictures to "Squadron Life".  Further ORBs added to "Aftermath" and new sub-section "The worst news" added to "Aftermath".

19/01/22:  photograph added of w/op position in "The Lanc" section.  Information added to "The Worst News" section.

22/01/22:  details of Terras' Casualty file added to "The worst news".

23/01/22:  new sub-section "Target Marking" added to "The Target" section.

24/01/22:  details of Form B added to "3rd March" section.

25/01/22:  information about the Missing, Research and Enquiry Service" added to "The Worst News" section.

26/01/22:  information  added to "The Worst News" section.

27/01/22:  information  added to "The Worst News" section about the Reichswald War Cemetery.

04/02/22: new sub-section "Good reads" added to "The Present" about useful reference books.

06/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

13/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

17/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

20/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

22/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

23/02/22: detail added about Advanced Flying Unit in "Trade Training" for Rowland Ward.

24/02/22: information added in Operational Training Unit section.  Image of Lancaster PO-L added to "In Memoriam" section.

31/08/23:  Lancaster serial correction in "Bomber Command losses

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